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교육.입시(영어 자료실)

역사와 경제의 상관관계

by kjk쌤 2024. 11. 20.


The Relationship between History and Economy


일본은 윤리적 관점에서 한국의 강제 징용 피해자들에게 사과와 보상을 공식적으로 해야 하며, 화이트리스트에 이유 없이 포함된 한국을 다시 없애 경제 관계 회복을 도모하여 수출과 관광산업을 재생시켜야 한다. 한국은 일본 수입품의 의존도를 낮추고 자국 생산량을 늘려야 한다.


또한 두 국가는 2차적인 문제가 발생하지 않도록 해야 한다. 국민들이 올바른 역사 인식을 지니도록 국가 차원에서 교육하고, 앞으로도 서로 감정적으로 대응여 사회에 부정적인 영향을 미치는 일이 없도록 두 나라간의 화해가 이루어져야 한다.


The Korea-Japan economic conflict that rocked the Republic of Korea in 2019 is now in progress. The conflict, which began for historical reasons, is affecting both the people of Japan and the Republic of Korea. People in South Korea are also reluctant to go on a trip to Japan and campaigning for "no Japan" to boycott Japanese products. As a result, Japanese companies and tourist agencies are suffering huge deficits, which has also adversely affected Japan's economic situation, sparking endless competition between the two countries. So, what led to this result?


In the 1900s, Korea was a colony of Japan. Japan ruthlessly suppressed the Korean people with its militarism. Japan used South Korea as a source of war supplies for war. In the process, Joseon lost not only iron and food, but also people to Japan. Men were usually taken to the army to be used as gunners, and women were taken away by force or tricked by workers to work in military factories. Some of them were very young children. They did not receive proper consideration, violated human rights, and lived slave-like lives.


Survivors are now demanding an apology and compensation from Japan as evidence of their own. Those who survived the terrible forced labor are now nearly 100 years old. South Korea continues to demand a quick apology and compensation from Japan as evidence disappears when they pass away.


Japan claimed that the trust between South Korea and Japan has collapsed due to the continuing historical apology and compensation of the Republic of Korea. As a result, Japan's Ministry of Economic and Industrial Affairs excluded Korea from the export license list for three items: Fluorine polyimide, resinist and etching gas.


This is the main ingredient needed to make semiconductors and displays, so local companies have temporarily suffered heavy losses in the semiconductor industry. When Japan first declared that the export ban was an economic retaliation based on historical facts, people were angry and voluntarily began boycotting Japanese products. So far, there has been no significant progress in Korea-Japan relations. No one will know what will happen in the future and how the handling of economic and historical situations will be achieved.


This led me to think about the current impact of history on our society. In particular, it is very important to coordinate and resolve conflicts between countries, as all countries are connected as an economy and a culture in the current global society.


If any country makes an enemy, it’s damage could be more serious. Especially since Japan and Korea are inseparable, resolving the current economic conflict is necessary for a future society as well. It was worrisome to think that the current situation would become another history and affect the future, and that an agreement should be reached to benefit both countries in the right way.










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