교육.입시(영어 세특)

학교내 성교육

kjk쌤 2024. 9. 27. 09:26

학교내 성교육

현재 한국의 성교육은 성관계 및 성폭행 예방교육이 전부일뿐 실제 넓은 범위의 에 대해 가르치지 않는다. 성이라고 하면 남녀간의 다른 성질을 이해하여 담합을 추구하고, 두 집단 사이간의 갈등을 해결하여 세계 평화를 추구해야 한다. 성을 단순히 남녀 신체 구조의 차이라고 생각하면 큰 오산이다. 청소년 및 어린이들에게 제공되는 성교육의 범위를 넓힐 필요가 있다.


Korea's sex education should be expanded to include areas that can contribute to understanding and communicating men and women, not just sex education, which is currently limited.

It is necessary to expand sex education not just in the scope of sexual intercourse but in the extent to which one can understand each other. Because sex education should also be oriented toward peace between men and women.

1) Currently, sex education is no different from sex education for elementary school students or sex education for high school students. Without a deepening process, "gender" is just one-dimensional things that come to mind. The significance of sex education should not end simply by learning the sex or genitalia that comes to mind. If you look at the content of sex education, it's obvious that sex education actually comes to mind. It's something you've heard once or twice, something you already know because you've heard it once or twice. Further, sex education needs to be taught step by step.


2) Currently, the significance of sex education is covered only for certain sexes, such as prevention of sexual violence and cautions in the event of sexual intercourse. The significance of our sex education is not just for sex. By exploring and discovering men and women and different sexes, the two groups should also have significance in finding a way to prevent confrontation and develop globally. Because of such limited sex education, it has become natural to feel ashamed when you think of "sex education." Of course, it's only natural because it always deals with the sex so clearly.


3) Thus, the scope of sex education can be expanded in such a way that students can participate and understand men and women. Currently, we can discuss the sensitive issue of Zander and it can be a good opportunity for people of different sexes to understand their position on how to think. The 21st century is an era in which globalization goes on and everyone communicates and exchanges together, but at the same time, individualism is deepening, which could lead to confrontation with groups of people who agree with them and disagree with them. The cooperation and promotion of the group of men and women, the most primitive of all groups in the world, is also the first part that should be resolved by sex education at present.


Korea's sex education should be expanded to include areas that can contribute to understanding and communicating men and women, not just sex education, which is currently limited. For example, through opportunities such as school festivals, students can choose the topic of sex education directly from the main body club and open sex education for students to participate in.



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