교육.입시(영어 세특)

일본 방사능 오염수

kjk쌤 2024. 9. 15. 13:50

Problems related to the discharge of contaminated water from Fukushima, Japan



(요약) 일본 대지진 때 후쿠시마 원전소 사고가 일어날 때 노출된 핵연료가 통제력을 상실한 채 노출되었고, 이 오염수는 원전 주변으로 스며들어 지하수와 섞이며 엄청난 양으로 불어나게 된다. 그 양은 매주 2~4천 톤에 달하고, 현재까지 저장탱크 속에 100만톤이 넘게 쌓여있다고 알려져 있다. 방사성 물질을 실제로 완벽하게 제거할 방법은 없지만, 일본 정부는 오염수를 방류해야 한다고 주장하고 있다. 약 방류를 하게 된다면 동해에도 영향을 미칠 것으로 나타나고 있다. 왜냐하면 가장 값싸고 쉬운 방법이기 때문이다.


What is Fukushima radioactive water?

During the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident, nuclear fuel, the core and most dangerous material of the plant was exposed to loss of control and has yet to be collected. Nuclear fuel generates a lot of heat. If you don't cool it down, the fuel will run wild and emit an unimaginable amount of radioactive material. Therefore, nuclear fuel should always be kept in cold water, but as it is now apparent at the Fukushima plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Fukushima Nuclear Power Management Co.) injects large amounts of water into the plant every day after day. So the coolant comes into direct


contact with the fuel and becomes highly radioactive. The contaminant water seeps into the vicinity of the plant, mixes with groundwater and swells in a huge amount. The amount is estimated to be between 2,000 and 4,000 tons per week, and more than 1 million tons have been accumulated in storage tanks so far.


In 2011, due to the Fukushima plant generate nuclear fuel is emitted more heat and drain the huge amounts of radioactive material. Now a lot of water into the Fukushima nuclear power plant, which reaches the nuclear fuel, radioactive water will be. The amount is now stacked in more than a million tons of food.


Can't radioactive water be purified?

TEPCO has been talking about the presence of tritium in contaminated water without any other nuclear species. We're filtering 62 types of radionuclides out of the nuclear removal facility before we store them in tanks. However, a public hearing in Fukushima last August found that not only tritium but also some radioactive materials, including cesium 137 and strontium 90, and iodine 131. Also, an analysis of 890,000 tons of the 940,000 tons of contaminated water found that


75 tons of the water exceeded the radiation level, and the strontium90 exceeded the standard by 20,000 times. In 2013, Japanese Prime Minister Abe told the International Olympic Committee meeting, which was decided to host the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, that radioactive water was "controlled." But the reality is nothing like that, and there is no way to eliminate the actual radioactive material.


Tokyo Electric Power is unlike true without filter out radioactive nuclide into is being cleared of contaminated water. Japan insists I must discharge the water. If you do the dumping the East sea will also affect emerging.


How do we deal with radioactive water?

Tragically, there is no way to safely dispose of radioactive water or nuclear waste that has been contaminated by high concentrations. So, it's better to keep it on land and increase the storage tanks. Methods of injecting water into the depths of the ground to minimize environmental pollution were also suggested. However, the Japanese government is trying to release the contaminated water into the sea. Because that's the cheapest and easiest way.


Can't we get radioactive water out to sea?

The Japanese government says it will "dilute" the polluted water into the vast ocean. However, radiation is completely different from normal chemicals that cause water pollution. Radioactive water also contains nuclear species whose radioactive toxicity lasts for hundreds of thousands of years. The total amount of radiation that will flow into the ocean


remains unchanged, no matter where you pour it. And not to mention the damage to Korea, Japan's neighboring country. According to an analysis of data from Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in 2018, 7 percent of eight current fisheries products around Fukushima, Japan, were found to be radioactive materials or Cesium. There were also


scattered fish that were detected up to 140 becquerels above the baseline. Cesium is a nuclide that is used to test for radioactivity, and if cesium is detected, it is likely to contain other radioactive materials as well. Strontium90 that radioactive water containing 20,000 times the standard is absorbed into the bone and causes bone cancer and leukemia.


Is the Tokyo Olympics going to be okay with this way?

The organizing committee for the Tokyo Olympics says it will make the most of the food and beverages available in the disaster-hit areas (Fukushima). It means to supply the athletes' village with agricultural and fisheries products produced in Fukushima. In response, the Korean government announced that it would provide food and materials to the Korean team during the Olympics. He also said he will actively respond to Japan's plan to release radioactive water. We look forward to our government's reasonable and decisive action.


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